Sustainability has become a priority and no longer a choice for all of us. As we start making more environmentally conscious decisions in our day to day lives, Planted have taken the steps to ensure this is maintained at your event.

By choosing us as your caterer, you’ve already taken a huge step in the right direction.

fruit and veg

The stars of the show, as a vegetarian business, 90% of our meals are made up of vegetables. Our biggest priority is sourcing our ingredients locally and seasonally.

Our fruit and veg suppliers, Shrub and All Greens, share our values in sourcing the finest produce available which has been grown using the most sustainable methods. They work closely with their growers and farmers to help them operate in the most environmentally friendly ways possible.

Pantry & dairy

From the first days of Planted operating in Brighton, we have been loyal customers of Infinity Foods. Everything from grains and nuts to soft drinks and cleaning products, we source from them.

Infinity Foods is a workers co-operative and the UK’s leading distributor of high quality, organic, biodynamic, fairtrade and natural products.


We use recycled and compostable packaging made from plants and avoid plastic at all costs.

There is a common misconception that compostable packaging will decompose in general waste bins however the packaging must be composted in an autoclave which is similar to a very high temperate pressure cooker which produces fertiliser. The methane produced during the decomposition process is burned to produce green energy. We provide ‘The Full Package Bin’ from ‘Decent Packaging’ at all events so our packaging can be correctly disposed of.


We are in the beneficial position of knowing exactly how many people we will be catering for prior to an event. After years of experience, we have great accuracy with portion control meaning little to no food waste.

During preparation, any food waste is composted at our kitchen and any packaging is recycled wherever possible. We have continued awareness around reducing our electrical and water output with all appliances and ensure regular maintenance of all our equipment.


All deliveries are transported by bicycle or electric and hybrid vehicles and we devise efficient routes to avoid fuel wastage. We use our feet when we can!